Mary in Matthew 1

 Every time I read Matthew 1, I am struck by the series of events.  

What first is most important for Matthew to record is the genealogy of Joseph, who at the beginning of the story, is betrothed to Mary. The English record says he is her husband.  And it says there were 14 generations from Abraham to David, and another 14 between David and the Babylonian Captivity.  Then another 14 between the Babylonian Captivity and when Jesus arrived.  14 + 14 + 14 = 42.  Why does Matthew point this out?  But this isn't really was strikes me the most.  That's just an introduction.  :) 

Matthew describes the unique situation with Jesus' conception.  

"When as his mother Mary was espoused to Joseph, before they came together, she was found with child of the Holy Ghost." 

Every time I have read this in the last few years, I find myself surprised, and have to stop reading.  It's as if I can't go any further.  

You mean to tell me, that Jesus, the son of God, was born in THESE circumstances?  The drama surrounding this situation, the confusion brought about by the tongues of man to describe the situation, and the unknown elements which we humans don't understand... let's disregard all that and just focus on the fact that Jesus, who did and does everything miraculously, supernaturally, is born supernaturally.  But that's not what stops me up.  

What stops me up is how counter-intuitive this is.  One would think that because everything about Jesus' experience and life was so perfect, that his mother's testimony could be perfect too.  Meaning—

Wouldn't it have been easier for Mary to have conceived in the way congruent with the law that everyone followed?  How about being a perfect virgin, who marries her perfect husband, in the perfect synagogue, with the perfect wedding photos and perfect family gathering and perfect reception and perfect blessings from both her and Joseph's parents?  Why all this drama?  Why bring Jesus into the world, from the get-go, in a situation that requires such great explanation, that cannot be explained?  Wouldn't it have been easier to just let him be born like the rest, and claim the supernatural was involved in his perfection?  Why did Mary have to endure this trauma, and likely rejection and scorn from so many in society?  Jesus hadn't even been born, and there was maternity and birth trauma happening, from a social aspect.    


The mother of the son of God endured quite the earth experience, didn't she?  

How many people called her absolutely crazy in her life? 

As she walked with Jesus, how did the enemy tempt her, contort her thoughts, or tell her she was crazy?  Insane?  Pompous?  Arrogant?  Who did she think she was, to claim that God somehow impregnated her?  Why was she special?  Who did she think she was?  Why did God choose her?  Was she foreordained?  How did God know that of all the women who would ever live, that this one was the best choice, to raise His only begotten son?  

Every time I read this, I can't help but stop and think that the world must have deemed Mary crazy.  Just. absolutely. nuts.  But she is the mother, the vessel, the warrior that fought the devil over and over on behalf of her son.  

As a mom, I advocate for my children.  I fight for them when needed.  I speak up for their needs when they can't.  I stay up with them when they're sick.  I've changed countless diapers, waved goodbye countless times as they head off to school.  I've broken up fights and disagreements, and helped with homework.  I've watched one graduate and struggle with knowing what to do in life.  I've counseled, dried the tears, hugged, laughed, and walked the motherly walk, sometimes better than others.  

I can't even begin to imagine the experience of Mary.  

And her husband was going to put her away privily.  


This woman who had the absolute gall to claim that she experienced whatever she did to get pregnant.  Did it just happen?  Was she taken up, like some sort of alien visitation, and do it with God?  Who was God to her?  What report did she have to tell her family?  She was likely just a teenager, we suppose.  How does one conceive of the Holy Ghost (vs. 20)?  Really?  

So much more to the story.

Well, I find Mary herself pretty miraculous.  I wish there were more to the story, that we could discover.  I know there's other texts that might explain more.  But I find that Matthew's account leaves me simply dumbfounded.  


How many times in my life do I experience things that I cannot explain?  Or even things that I can explain, but others simply don't believe me, or care about the surprising miraculousness of it?  How many times does the Holy Spirit whisper truth to me, of what is to come, or what is promised, and I hold on to it like a crazy person?  And how many times do I come into agreement with the enemy, that I AM crazy, when I'm actually not, but preferring to hold onto some measure of faith in the divinity of my experience here?  

It's ok to be crazy.  It's ok to believe things that other people don't believe.  Your experience is your experience, and no matter how crazy it seems, let God speak to you.  Of course, discern.  Of course, be obedient to His commandments.  But understand that even in the birth of His only begotten son, the law was not followed to the nature of the understanding of man.  There were clearly elements that didn't fit the mold.  And God was capable of both abiding by the LAWs of the Universe which allow Him to remain God (an idea for another post), and bring Jesus to us.  

So while Mary's conception is indeed miraculous, I always find myself dumbfounded and in awe, that for the birth of quite possibly one of the most important people to ever walk the earth, God used means that were COMPLETELY contrary to what man expected, approved of, and condoned.  How did Mary do it?  How did she get pregnant, and what if Joseph had ignored the angel?  It would've certainly changed the whole store, wouldn't it?   


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